Book Discussions

Book Discussion Groups - One Great title, two chances to discuss it each month!
Book club books will be available at the Library’s circulation desk following the previous book group’s meeting.

We will discuss:

The Violin Conspiracy by Brendon Slocumb
Wednesday, January 15 at 2 pm
Thursday, January 16 at 6 pm

Cribbage Club

Cribbage Club at the Library

Come and play cribbage at the library. Not sure how to play? We will teach you, both beginner and experienced cribbage players welcome!

Monday at 1 pm on:

January 27

February 10 & 24

Film Discussion Group

Join us for monthly virtual film discussions! Much like a book group, you will watch the film on your own and then join us on Zoom for a moderated discussion. All films will be available on the free film platform, All you need to access the film is your library card!

We will discuss:
The Big White | 103 mins | Not Rated 

Knots & Thoughts

A Fiber Club

Knots & Thoughts: A Fiber Club

Wednesdays at 6:30 pm on:
January 29

February 26

Come on over to the Library and knit, crochet, press felt, cross-stitch, embroider, or any other craft you can tote along. Meet other crafty people, ask advice, or just chat. Novices are welcome!

Writing Group

 Writing Group!
Join local author Lisa Shea for our writing group. Come bounce your ideas off of other authors
and get creative and constructive feedback. This is an inclusive writing group. All levels,
interests, abilities, and genres are welcome. They meet every 2nd Thursday of the month!

Upcoming meetings will be held on:

February 13